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The 3 Steps to Alignment

by Irah Morffi

Step #1 Strengthen Your Awareness

Without awareness, any spiritual practice you do won't work. You need awareness to heal, you need awareness to read energy, to manipulate energy, to dive into other planes, to manifest, you need to tap into your inner truth and anything spiritual you do.

You are not your body, your thoughts, your emotions or experiences, you are pure awareness which is experiencing that and this awareness can go beyond your physical body and to other places outside of the physical realm Im going to teach you a part of my Hyper Awareness Strategy which I use with clients as a way to transcend the limits of the human mind and create a life aligned with their highest potential as spiritual beings.

When you become aware of something you acknowledge and observe it. The more you observe the more apparent something becomes, it’s energy gets “stronger”. This awareness opens up the energy channel that connects you to this thing which you are aware of so it can be interpreted, worked on or manipulated.

You can put your awareness outside of you even if you can’t see what you’re observing with your physical eyes, you can put your awareness on an organ to heal it, you can put your awareness on a future reality that you desire to manifest it into existence, you can use your awareness to analyze the blockages that impede you from going to the next level and heal them, this is JUST the tip of the iceberg.

You are supernatural and your awareness is the key to unlocking that potential.
This is why awareness is the root of your growth towards highest alignment and I help you do that with my Hyper Awareness Strategy. My Hyper Awareness Strategy implies using your awareness as the foundation to anything you do in your spiritual journey.
By correctly strengthening and using your awareness in each of the following steps, you will transform your life for it is the key to unlocking, managing and strengthening spiritual abilities, doing proper shadow work to shed layers holding you back and much more!

Step #2 Work with your “dark” side

Most people are eager to dive into the spiritual realms and while we will also do that, working with your shadow should be taken just as serious or if not even more. Your shadow is the part of you that you dont love and was repressed due to trauma. If you dont actively work on healing the shadow as you’re also working on tapping into your potential then it will keep you subconsciously at a lower vibration which will negatively affect the spiritual path by affecting your manifestations, ungrounding and blocking you, attracting negative energies into your life and/or much more! Now, time and space is a human construct and does not actually exist. Every time you experience trauma in the first 7 years of your life, it becomes a negative distortion on your conscious timeline. So energetically, this distortion will keep bringing you back to that traumatic moment in time since past present and future are all happening simultaneously

This means that you will keep repeating old patterns caused by your shadow if you dont literally go back in time and solve this trauma. And yes, we can go back in time but not physically we do so with our consciousness and vibration. In fact, going back in time is an essential part of shadow work so we can reprogram the memories that created the shadow aspects of us and remove the energetic distortion in our timeline. This is why we will reprogram the vibration of the memories that created the shadow with my Memory Regression Method using your emotions to access subconscious memories for reprogramming. This will unlock your repressed aspects, remove any blocks you have, ground you and further ascend you since we shed the layers holding you back from your highest potential.

Step #3: Manage And Strengthen Your Spiritual Connection & Wisdom

A lot of people jump into the spiritual journey without the proper system and knowledge which can turn out dangerous specially if they are hyper sensitive to the spiritual realm because of energies latching on to them or messing with them causing mental and physical disturbances. A lack of structure can also cause a lot of confusion and allow room for misinformation/misinterpretation! I will personally guide you towards understanding the metaphysical realm with ancient esoteric/occult knowledge and channeled wisdom so you can navigate it safely to properly work with it towards ascension and alignment with your highest path using the Hyper Awareness Strategy to put the metaphysical knowledge into effect in your life.
This will ensure you stay safe while diving deeper into the spiritual realm while at the same time nourishing you with life changing wisdom & knowledge that will align your with your inner truth and highest potential.

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